THE MAGNIFICENT MARGARET RIVER & MOSS WOOD – Simone Baldwin – Healthy, Gorgeous and Tipsy


THE MAGNIFICENT MARGARET RIVER & MOSS WOOD – Simone Baldwin – Healthy, Gorgeous and Tipsy

Rating: Stars

Few weeks ago our Indonesian Importer Commodore Trading and our Indonesian Distributor Boga Fine Wine came to visit us at Moss Wood. 

We were very pleased to have them and Simone Baldwin, representing Boga Fine Wines, wrote a great article about the tasting night of Moss Wood wines we had with them on her stunning website and blog that we highly recommend you to check!


Here is the article:



Located in the south west corner of the country, close to the stunning beaches along the West Australian coastline where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet to bless Margaret River with a climate of cooling sea breezes, mild winters and sun soaked summers. Combine this maritime influence with ancient and unblemished soil and you have what is highly regarded as one of the finest landscapes in the world for growing premium grapes. It is a region with so much to offer, not just in the way of wine but its produce is pristine too.

Known for its long lived, beautifully structured Cabernet Sauvignon, captivating Chardonnay and delicious and very-moreish blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Semilion, yet so generous is the climate and the soil that you have to be really hard pressed to find a wine from this favored area that isn’t good. Good is good enough for some but there are also a number of extremely gifted winemakers who strive for excellence and it is these names that give the Margaret River such an outstanding pedigree.

One extraordinary couple, who I have come to know and adore, is Keith and Clare Mugford, owners of Moss Wood. For the complete and fascinating account of Moss Wood and how it came to be the grand estate that it is today, read here.

Keith and Clare encapsulate the great traits of world-class winemakers, an intimate knowledge of their land, a relentless pursuit of excellence each and every year, unwavering dedication in both the vineyard and winery and hearts as big as Texas.

This generosity of spirit extended to their cellar from where they unearthed a bottle of 1979 and 1981 Cabernet Sauvignon. Pictured left, the labels were a bit worse for wear but the wine inside was well and truly intact, in fact, it was more than intact, it was glorious, multi-layered and very, very more-ish.

You cannot go wrong with a bottle of Moss Wood, I urge you to seek it out in your city or neighborhood. It is well distributed around the world, check here for representation in your country and please, please send us a photo of the raptured joy on your face after you have had your first sip.